

The LSCP has developed the following campaigns....

Start the Conversations

Start the Conversation is to encourage parents and carers to speak to their child about their online activities.  

Campaign materials

Bath Time Duck

The Bath Time Duck provides information for parents and carers on how to keep their baby or child safe at bath times.

Campaign materials

Safe Sleep for Babies

This campaign targeted dads, to raise awareness of the steps that can be taken to help prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Campaign materials

Are they playing safe?

The campaign asked parents/carers to talk to their children about the potential dangers in their local area eg; open water, abandoned and derelict buildings and railway lines.

Campaign materials

Running away is not the answer

The aim of this campaign is to encourage young people to seek help and support rather than run away from home or care. the message is that help is available, regardless of the problem.

Campaign materials

Think before you send

Campaign materials

Trust your instincts

The campaign asks teenagers to trust their instincts if something doesn't feel right in their relationship.

Campaign materials

Water Safety

The campaign asks parents and carers to talk to their children about the hazards of swimming in open water.

Campaign material

Quick leave