Third Sector Safeguarding Group

Purpose of the Third Sector Safeguarding Group

To ensure that all Voluntary, Faith, Community and Third Sector organisations who work with children and young people, understand their obligations to keeping children and young people safe. To share best practice across the sector, to inform the work of the LSCP from the Third Sector perspective and to disseminate messages from the LSCP across the sector.

The group has an open membership. Anyone who works with children and young people within the Third Sector is welcome to attend. There is no need to register, just turn up on the day.

Frequency of Meetings

The group meets quarterly. 

If you would like to attend the next meeting or be put on the group's mailing list please email:

Terms of Reference

The LSCP Third Sector Safeguarding Group exists to contribute to the safeguarding of children and young people in Leeds. This will be achieved by:

  1. increasing awareness of safeguarding across the Sectors
  2. encouraging the adoption of safeguarding standards across the sector through supporting training and achievement of the standards agreed by the LSCP
  3. communicating the work of the LSCP across the sectors
  4. communicating the experience of the sector organisations and service users, especially children and young people to the LSCP
  5. promoting change in the interests of children and young people through identification of issues of interest or concern to the table and share innovative practice.
  6. developing an action plan undertaking work outside of meetings as necessary
  7. contributing to the LSCP business plan.


The group has an open membership consisting of representatives from the Voluntary, Faith, Community and Third Sector who work with children and young people. 

The chair and vice-chair are the only static members of the group are elected every 3 years through the process approved by Young Lives Leeds Third Sector Forum.


The group is accountable to the Chair of the LSCP.

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