Leeds Children and Young People Partnership Meeting

The Leeds Children and Young People Partnership (LCYPP) Meeting brings together senior staff from the following relevant organisations:

  • Leeds City Council – Children Social Work Services
  • Leeds City Council – Children and Families Services
  • Leeds City Council – Housing and Resources
  • Leeds City Council – Children and Families Voice and Influence Team
  • Leeds City Council – Public Health
  • Leeds City Council – Learning and Inclusion
  • Leeds City Council – Adults and Health
  • Leeds City Council – Education - Specialist Provision School Rep
  • Leeds Community Healthcare and Leeds GP Confederation (LCH)
  • Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust (LTHT)
  • National Probation Service
  • NHS Leeds Health and Care Partnership
  • Primary School representative
  • Secondary School representative
  • West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service
  • West Yorkshire Police
  • Young Lives Leads Forum
  • Chairs of the LSCP Sub and Reference Groups

The functions of the CYPP meeting are to:

  • Listen to and act upon the voice of children and young people.
  • Deliver and monitor a jointly owned Children and Young People’s Plan to improve the wellbeing of children in the city.
  • Publish the Independent Chair’s Annual Report that provides a summary of the effectiveness of services and areas for improvements to safeguard children and young people and promote their welfare.
  • Supporting Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews and ensuring the local dissemination of learning.
  • Ensure involvement and focus on front line practitioners and understand the impact on them of the work of the LSCP.
  • Co-ordinating the contribution of agencies and services to deliver on the strategic priorities of the LSCP Partnership.
  • Analyse multi-agency safeguarding data to assess the health of the safeguarding system and challenge safeguarding performance across all relevant agencies
  • Evaluate the impact of interventions, capture learning and disseminate good practice across partners; and
  • Influence local, regional and national government policy initiatives linked to these themes.
  • Develop multi-agency policies and procedures which safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people in Leeds.
  • Provide appropriate multi-agency training for practitioners who work with children or in services which have contact with children and families.
  • Develop communication strategies to enable children and young people understand their right not to be harmed and how they can get help.
  • Communicate to persons and bodies in Leeds the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, raising their awareness of how this best can be done, and encouraging them to do so.

The LCYPP meeting supports the delivery of the Children and Young People Plan and its five priorities.

To support the priority of staying safe, the LCYPP meeting provides a focus on ensuring agency’s safeguarding responsibilities are being met, in line with the city’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements.

Members are responsible for implementing the LSCP Business Plan and ensuring that priorities, as well as core and statutory functions are delivered. 

The LCYPP meeting also acts as a conduit to the LSCP Executive Board, by providing  insight and experience from front line practice, as well as the views of children and families influencing future safeguarding priorities.

This is achieved through essential communication and dialogue, provision of data,  appropriate information and, when appropriate, the commissioning of sub-groups / task and finish groups to take priority issues forward.

Attendees of the LCYPP meeting and its bi-annual learning events will disseminate learning from LSCP activity throughout their own agencies as appropriate.

It is the responsibility of individual agencies to nominate representatives who are in an appropriate role to represent their agency or organisation. Agencies should ensure that members have in-depth knowledge of their own agency safeguarding arrangements and associated strategic duties and responsibilities.

Members are required to:

  • be named by, and speak on behalf of, their agency
  • consistently attend meetings and contribute to any agreed work
  • identify a named deputy who will attend if they are unable to attend.
  • liaise with their respective colleagues that sit on the Leeds Children and Young People Partnership (CYPP) keeping them fully informed of the progress of any activity.
  • be accountable for agreed information or data that they provide or present to the meeting taking into consideration information sharing protocols and their own senior management sign off.
  • be accountable for actions and provide updates in a timely manner.
  • be held to account as well as holding other agencies to account
  • support the development of any agreed action plans including demonstratable outcomes for children and families
  • where appropriate, ensure the voice of children and families inform the development of work within the subgroup
  • promote the city’s restorative principles and culture
  • encourage a culture of openness, transparency, and mutual respect.

All members should:

  • respond to communications and act as a channel of communication between their own agency and the LSCP
  • prepare for meetings and pre-read all papers in advance
  • be active participants in meetings both as a member of the group and as a representative of their agency
  • respect shared information as confidential unless agreed otherwise.

If you feel your organisation should be a member please contact lscp.info@leeds.gov.uk to discuss further.

Further information

For further information regarding these meetings please contact lscp.info@leeds.gov.uk

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