If youre not happy

The Student LSCP were asked to evaluate the complaints policies and procedures of statutory organisations, to see if they were accessible for children and young people of all ages, and if they were presented in a way that children and young people would understand.

They presented their findings at a Board meeting and recommended that:

Posters aimed at children and young people should be designed. The posters should direct children to tell a trusted adult if they are unhappy with a service and that adult should then make a report on behalf of the child.  

Written complaints procedures in the form of leaflets should be made available to parents/carers and should include information on their supporting role in reporting complaints made by children and young people that they are responsible for.

The group assisted the Board with these recommendations by developing posters for organisations to display. The posters were designed to be colourful, easy to read and be understood by children from the age of 6 years old.

The poster states that if a child is not happy with the service that they have received, they can tell their parent/carer about their experience. The parent/ carer can then pick up a leaflet to complete on their behalf.

The Student LSCP recommended that a leaflet should be made available near the poster and that it uses the same design so that it is obvious that they are related. Parents/carers are sign posted to the leaflet via the poster, but a young person may also complete the form themselves, therefore the design has to be applicable to all.

The group recommend that each organisation design their own leaflet with the following guidelines:

  • Smiley face imagery to be used
  • Simple language throughout
  • A simple form
  • Doesn’t use photos or images of children/ young people
  • Includes definitions of what a “complaint” or “compliment” is
  • Includes examples of what you can be happy or unhappy about
  • Offers different methods of receiving feedback eg; text, email.

The “If you’re not happy” poster has been distributed to all organisations in Leeds and is available on request from the LSCP Business Unit.

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